Montag, 11. Januar 2010

About truth

When about truth it is about everything we have in our lives, when about a truth it is about all those people we have in our lives, when about a truth it is about the relationships between people. Truth means everything in this life and truth is also the greatest treasure. People are always looking for something special and they are always looking for some treasures but they don’t know that the greatest treasure is truth. When telling truth only you have no problems with people in your life. When telling truth only you have nothing to be afraid of and you have nothing to hide and so you feel free. In case you are not lying to those you love it means that there is a trust between you and it means that you will never hurt those people when truth will come up and it always comes up. Truth is a great power that shows you just the way you really are and if people fall in love with you they fall in love with real you and so they will never be disappointed with you. And all those merits are treasures of telling truth and so we really need it.

The matter of respect

You have met a person and you like this person and you care about this person and you want him or her to care about you just the same way you do. And you feel great if there is the same care in response and you feel terrible if there is nothing in response but ignorance. In this case you want to realize what is wrong with your relations and you are looking for the answers. And there is the only one right answer you can find and this answer is about respect. Whether people treat you good or bad it is the matter of respect. A person may not be in love with you and may not adore you but in case there is a respect from him or her towards you than things will be just great. You will never face something terrible in your relations no matter whether those are of romance or friendship or business kind. Though, in case there is no respect for you than this relations will be terrible and it is far from anything, whatever you take those relations for. It takes respect for people bit to betray and not to hurt each other.