Freitag, 24. April 2009

Country at war

We are a country at war over values. We have actually been a country at war over values since the dawn of our country. The civil war pitted slave owner against abolitionist and the civil rights movement pitted black against white. Today, we are still a country battling out whose values are right, more important, and more Godly. The circus many simply never end. We treat people in this country with a chronic chagrin and we call ourselves a land of the people. We decide what is right for everyone and we never consider that we, being human after all, might not actually know the answers to some rather complicated questions. We would rather decide that we are right because it feels good.

In time, there simply won’t be any values left to feud over. The more we bring our values to the government the more disintegrated they become. We ask our governing officials to decide what our values should be and then we abhor them for making decisions we don’t like. Once we get done arguing the sanctity of gay marriage we will move on to someone else. Once we have elected officials that are supposed to support our view of values and boo those officials who do not share our values, we will find someone else to turn on. We are a nation that can’t help itself. We have no real desire to live in peace unless that peace reflects everything we believe our values are. Of course, we won’t ever admit that we might be fallible human beings with a misunderstanding because that might invite some well deserved criticism. We are, as we are, because we are passionately devoted to our belief in our own righteousness.